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The Most Beautiful Views Over Budapest

Budapest! For us, living in Vienna, a trip to Budapest is simply the perfect short trip. It only takes us about three hours to get to the Hungarian capital by car! We recently told you what Budapest had to do with the beginning of our relationship. Today, it’s all about the best viewpoints in Budapest. Because there are a lot of them in Budapest

1. From The Dome Of The St. Stephan’s Basilica

The classic amongst the nicest viewpoints over Budapest is the panoramic view from the dome of the famous St. Stephan’s basilica. First, more than 350 steps must be conquered, however, it is worth the effort. Once at the top you can enjoy a 360 degree look over the city. Little warning: The basilica is one of the most visited buildings in the city. According to the time of the day, it can become rather tight along the balustrade, among all the tourists. The entry to the dome is very affordable (500 Forint which equals about € 1.60.)

Address: Szent István tér 1, Budapest

Budapest Tipps Ausblick
St Stephans Basilika Aussicht

2. From The Terrace Of The 360 Bar

Wow, simply wow. The 360 bar impressed us quite a bit. The rooftop bar is in a building in the Andrássy útca near the Metró Station Oktogon. The atmosphere in the bar and the waiters and waitresses are pretty relaxed – no dress code, no fuss. The people only want to enjoy the view while drinking a yummy cocktail. In the evening there are DJ’s and sometimes there is also live music. The best time for a visit is shortly before sunset.

Address: Andrássy útca 39, Budapest

360 Grad Bar Budapest
Rooftop Bar Budapest Tipps
Skybar Budapest Tipps

3. From The Rooftop Of The Rum Hotel

To be honest, the rooftop bar will open its doors the first time in 2017. But we are assured that this location will quickly turn from a secret tip to a hotspot in the city. When we stayed at the Rum Hotel, we sneaked in and inspected the construction site, including the view (do not tell anyone)!
It’s going to be cool, really cool!

Address: Királyi Pál utca 4, Budapest

Rum Hotel Budapest Rooftop
Rum Hotel Budapest Skybar

4. From The Castle Hill Facing Downtown

Another classic, that should not be missed on the list of the most beautiful views over Budapest. Especially if you are only for a short time in Budapest, you should not miss a visit to the castle hill district with the Fisherman’s Bastion. We always skip the funicular and prefer to walk. It does not take long and you can always stop, turn around and enjoy the magnificent view.

Address: Jezsuita lépcső 1-3, Budapest

Aussicht Budapest Tipps
Schönste Aussicht Budapest

5. Gellértberg

Right at the banks of the Danube is the 235 meter high Gellértberg. A really beautiful vantage point is located near the citadel. In contrast to the castle hill, you are a bit further away from the inner-city happening, but you have all of Budapest in view. If you travel by car to Budapest, you can plan a visit to the Gellértberg to say “Goodbye!“. You can park conveniently near the viewing platform. If you arrive by public transport, take the bus no. 27.

Address: Citadella setany 1, Budapest

Ausblick Budapest Tipps
Aussichtspunkt Budapest

Have you already been to Budapest? Can you share tips for beautiful viewpoints? We are looking forward to hearing about your experiences!

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